Endpoint Path



The /scrape/ endpoint allows customers to schedule, retrieve, and manage scraping sessions for their domain indexes. Scraping sessions process the domains in an index based on the specified parameters, such as start time, frequency, and the number of concurrent jobs.

API Call Details

1. Schedule a New Scraping Session


POST <https://api.domainscraper.online/scrape/><indexname>


Schedules a new scraping session for a specified index.

Path Parameter

Parameter Required Description
<indexname> Yes The name of the index to be scraped.


Request Body

Field Type Required Description
start string Yes The start date and time for the scrape in ISO 8601 format.
frequency string No How often the scrape should repeat: daily, weekly, monthly, or null for one-time.
jobs integer No The number of concurrent jobs to run (default: 5, range: 1-100).

Example Request Body:

  "start": "2024-01-01 12:00:00",
  "frequency": "daily",
  "jobs": 10


Success Response: